Nelly Furtado - 6th album
Title: The Ride
Release Date: March 31, 2017

We collected all the information (2014-present) about Nelly Furtado's sixth album. All these info come from Nelly herself, from reliable sites and also from tweets. Read everything here below!
August 3, 2014
Nelly Furtado was in the studio with Divine Brown, Rob Wells and Liz Rodrigues.
Maybe working for Nelly’s new album.
October 4, 2014
Nelly Furtado and Anjulie were writing new songs together.
@Anjulie I love that picture so cool. :). Xo so fun 2day
— Nelly Furtado (@NellyFurtado) October 5, 2014
Perhaps working for Nelly's sixth album…October 16, 2014
RUMOR! False information confirmed by Nelly herself. [Updated: April 11, 2016]
"Nelly Furtado is working on new music with Duke Dumont"
"Nelly Furtado is working on new music with Duke Dumont"
Idolator: When asked in a recent interview if there are any singers that he’d like to collaborate with, British DJ/producer said “An interesting one at the moment — we’re doing some stuff in the very early stages — is Nelly Furtado. I love her. With Nelly Furtado, you could write a hit record that would actually be good.”
Dumont continued, “There’s not many artists like that in the pop music world. With other singers, it would be a more generic track. With Nelly Furtado, I think you could actually do something quite interesting.”
First time Nelly Furtado talked about her sixth album in a interview
WAZ: "I'm working on an album and actually I am very pleased. I am writing on this album for quite a while will probably still continue to work this year on it. Finish it will then hopefully next year, or perhaps only in 2016"
February 11, 2015
LUSA: Nelly Furtado is "working on a new album", for which is feeling "very, very inspired". "I have many songs. Everything is going well", she said. The album "will be out soon and, immediately, I will make a tour”.
August 26, 2015
Nelly is working with John Congleton for her new album.
no, we just have tickle fights. @NellyFurtado
— ¡john congleton! (@congletonjohn) August 26, 2015
September 15, 2015“I’m finishing my new album”, Nelly said. - Video
December 3, 2015
“I just finish recording my album in Dallas, Texas”, Nelly said. - Video
January 16, 2016
Nelly Furtado's website was updated
Possibly Nelly's logo is also changing. As we see on the website, there's two letters (NF) which make a lot of her fans think that is the new logo.
January 16, 2016
Nelly Furtado confirms that John Congleton worked with her for the next album
February 7, 2016
Possibly Nelly's logo is also changing. As we see on the website, there's two letters (NF) which make a lot of her fans think that is the new logo.
February 11, 2016
Nelly Furtado posted several photos on instagram with a lot of messages.
Possibly those messages are related with tracklist of the new album. One of them is "What Happens In Dallas" (Nelly wrote the same on her twitter's bio) what make us think that's the new album title or the title of the first single.
Nelly Furtado herself said the album is not called "What Happens In Dallas". [Updated: April 11, 2016]
April 4, 2016
April 11, 2016
In a interview to CBC News, Nelly talked a little bit more about her new album. Here it is what she revelead:
Lisa Furtado, Nelly Furtado's sister, just wrote in our facebook page that she "heard Nelly's NEW record and it is awesome!!!". Read the full comment below.
Nelly Furtado wrote several tweets about her new album!
Nelly tweeted that she is "still working" on the new album and "it is not called What Happens in Dallas" and it will be out "soon". Nelly "rewinded back" to Whoa, Nelly! style. She added that she "never even met Duke [Dumont]", so probably there isn't new stuff with him on the new album. When Nelly was asked about collaborations she said "none", "no features planned". At last, we received the confirmation that Nelly's sixth album will be "in English so far".
May 2, 2016
Oppen Letter to Youtube

"I am putting the finishing touches on my new album right now, and I won’t stop working on it until it feels complete, much like a cabinet maker or a window cleaner would." Nelly also revealed that she is now a independent artist. - Source
May 12, 2016
Nelly Furtado in the studio
John Congleton, who is working with Nelly for her next album, posted a picture on twitter with the description: "back at it one more time with nelly furtado. - Source
June 22, 2016
John Congleton's twitter
Nelly Furtado's new album is going to be mind-blowing according with John Congleton.
July 7, 2016
Is Nelly Furtado choosing the new album's format?
On twitter Nelly wanted to know her followers' opinion about main albums and deluxe albums, such as b-sides, demos and more.
Check out Nelly's tweet below.
July 17, 2016
New song + Album release!
In a interview to Times Colonist, Nelly revealed that there is a track on the new album called "Phoenix" and the album is expected to be released in November!
Read more about it: HERE
July 19, 2016
Album details!

✓ The new album is totally finished
✓ There's a track on the album called "Phoenix"
✓ Nelly recorded 16 songs with John Congleton, but the album will have 12 songs.
✓ It will be released this fall, it's expected to be released in November.
September 07, 2016
September 07, 2016
Titles of new songs!

Today Nelly revealed a new song title on instagram: "Islands Of Me"! This song "it is about narcissism, lust, isolation and altruism", says Nelly.
During the event "New York Fashion Week" Nelly performed "Islands Of Me", "Pipe Dreams" - another new song - and "Phoenix".
So far we already know three titles songs: "Phoenix", "Islands Of Me" (which will be included on the deluxe version of the new album) and "Pipe Dreams".
September 08, 2016
Last words: the new album will be released in March! On facebook Nelly replied to a fan that her new album will be released in, no longer this November. Source
September 09, 2016
September 08, 2016
Last words: the new album will be released in March! On facebook Nelly replied to a fan that her new album will be released in, no longer this November. Source
September 09, 2016
Below you can read a summary of all the things Nelly told to i-D about her upcoming new album, The Ride.
- "The Ride" - produced in Dallas, Texas - drops in March 2017.
- Nelly Furtado's new album is still pop, but weirder.
- "The Ride" doesn't have a nostalgic feel, that's why Nelly put "Behind Your Back" out first, becuase it doesn't really fit anything that's on the actual album. Though the song is on the deluxe version of the album. "I think it's almost like a throwback track for me because it sounds a little bit like what I did in the beginning of my career", says Nelly about "Behind Your Back".
- John Congleton produced the entire record.
- "Flatlines" is a new song which will be included on the album.
- "I would call the sound of the album modern pop-alternative. I write pop melodies, I've always written pop melodies. But John forces me to dig a little deeper and make sure that I'm coming correct with the lyrics. I was also in a really cool phase in my life where I was going through a difficult time of transition and that helped lyrically. I just had so much to write about. I think I grew as a songwriter in this album", Nelly said.
- As Nelly said it before "no features at all". There will be any collaboration on the new album.
Read the full interview HERE
October 12, 2016
Carnival Games - lyrics
On instagram Nelly posted a picture [left] with the lyrics of a song called "Carnival Games", that will be included on the the new album The Ride which drops in March 2017.
Read the lyrics: HERE
November 15, 2016
Pipe Dreams [Audio]
Don't sell me no pipe dreams, I want to live in a kaleidoscope , Nelly sings about the false hope of dreaming even when you want to live in a fantasy. "A lot of [The Ride] touches on that, in terms of sanity versus reality. The comedown, the hangover after the rush, and how you put the pieces back together, and how you make amends with the realer parts of life," she told The FADER.
Listen the new song HERE
December 12, 2016
The Ride - March 31, 2017 - Album cover - 1st single: Pipe Dreams
Not only the release date of The Ride but also the tracklist were released today by Nelly Furtado to The Fader!
1. Cold Hard Truth
2. Flatline
3. Carnival Games
4. Live
5. Paris Sun
6. Sticks and Stones
7. Magic
8. Pipe Dreams
9. Palaces
10. Tap Dancing
11. Right Road
12. Phoenix
Watch a short trailer for the new album HERE
On this day Nelly also shared on the social media the cover for The Ride. Check it out below.
It will be available on vinyl, CD and digital.
December 20, 2016
New music video
Nelly Furtado's new music video for Pipe Dreams is out today exclusively on Pitchfork. Watch it HERE.
Video directed by Jake Elliot and shot in Dallas, Texas. Read more about it HERE.
January 23, 2016
I am not promoting my album with "singles", says Nelly
Nelly Furtado reveals new information on her instagram about the new album, The Ride: "I am not promoting my album with "singles", because we are not servicing radio in most countries with this album. We will be releasing varied content for all the songs on the album, eventually. That said, I can exclusively tell you if you purchase album in advance , you'll get two songs right away. Kisses!"