"Please upload on your YouTube account a 1 minute video showing your love for Nelly as a FANCLUB. It can be a celebration, a performance, you name it!
Once you have uploaded the video, be sure to send us an e-mail (to nellyfurtado.webteam@arsls.com) with the link and the subject Nelly Bday Video. Please note that any video of more than 1 minute will not be featured in the website.
The videos will be launched in a website on December 2nd so Nelly can see them all!"
Once you have uploaded the video, be sure to send us an e-mail (to nellyfurtado.webteam@arsls.com) with the link and the subject Nelly Bday Video. Please note that any video of more than 1 minute will not be featured in the website.
The videos will be launched in a website on December 2nd so Nelly can see them all!"
Deadline: Friday Nov. 25th