Mi Plan Tour 2010 | Guadalajara, Mexico (March 13, 2010)

Pics: Click Here


- Nelly Furtado arriving at airport in Guadalajara

- Nelly Furtado is in Guadalajara

- Nelly Furtado picks a winner

- 1st webisode Mi plan tour 2010 Guadalajara

Look at the headlines of some newspapers, after Nelly´s concert in Guadalajara!/Mira los titulares de algunos de los periódicos de esta mañana, luego del concierto de Nelly en Guadalajara! [Nelly Furtado Facebook]

Setlist :
7. Más
8. Try
16. Manos Al Aire
17. Do It

1 Big Screen
3 dresses
3 chorists
7 people in the band
20 songs
4.000 people

More Info: Click Here

1 coments:

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March 15, 2010 at 7:31 PM ×

Oh my God! What a setlist! Everything I love!
I wish she'll play such concert in Europe. If she'll come to Europe. To the west of Europe...

Selamat Nellody dapat PERTAMAX...! Silahkan antri di pom terdekat heheheh...
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