New Songs | Nelly Furtado - "Scars" and "Party" ft. Emmanuel Jal [Audio] emmanuel jal news party scars songs ・ "Scars": HERE ・ "Party": HERE _________________________________________________________________________________ Check out more news, pictures and videos on our new facebook account: Like Us! Share : Tweet ✚ Related Post Nelly Furtado | New Album, new Movie & New Tour Nelly Furtado returns in BIG A movie, a new album and a new international tour are the neNelly Furtado | Soul In The City, Casa Loma - Toronto (2015) [Photos] More photos HERE Nelly Furtado | "The Portuguese descendants should be proud of their roots" ["Lusa" Interview] The Canadian singer of Portuguese origin, Nelly Furtado, said the Portuguese descendants should Nelly Furtado | New Photoshoot by Myriam Brunner (2014) Amazing photoshoot! Love it! Check out the pictures HERE ___________"Scars" | Music Video - Behind The Scenes The music video "Scars" comes out on March :) We can´t wait! __________________________Like us on Facebook Like us on our Facebook Page and get all news, photos and videos about Nelly Furtado.